All About kvCore

KVCore Empower your business/ Drive new Business training:

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Link to .pdf – Top 10 Tips for kvCORE Success

kvCORE Recorded Classes – eXp Realty

*->Keep Scrolling for eXclusive Class Recordings Below…

Link to SMART Number FAQ

Link to adding a Lender to kvCORE

Link to exp training calendar

10/29/20 Update*eXp Branding on Social Media* Using Name or Letters eXp in Social Media or Other Online Venues – See Policies and Procedures Manual

      • Use of the letters eXp in a domain name, YouTube channel name, Facebook page, Twitter handle or other social media is prohibited and must be approved by the Company in advance or risk being required to be removed from the respective places online and or turned over to the Company for additional consideration.

        • If you made changes to your website and are not seeing the changes yet, try flushing your cache: 

        • /?FLUSH_CACHE=1

      To share Mobile App (for your consumer/contact/lead/client): 


          Please click on the description below to view the recorded class: 

          1/6/22 | kvCORE Advanced Weekly Training | How to review Smart Campaigns;Hashtag best practices; Pipeline Overview

          1/7/22 | kvCORE Weekly Q/A | Edit Smart Campaigns & Daily Best Practices

          1/20/22 | kvCORE | eXp | Advanced Weekly Training | Market your ‘Sold’ Listings with Landing Page and text codes!

          1/21/22 kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A | Landing Page & Squeeze Page Best Practices (Custom Backgrounds for Landing Pages) Social Media Posting 

          1/27/22 |kvCORE | eXp | Website(Web/IDX) Background Images, Custom Pages and new categories 

          1/28/22 kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A -> Squeeze Pages vs. Landing Pages. Bonus -Share a pdf download w/Landing page

          2/3/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training-> Text Codes!

          2/4/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A | An Overview of CORE Present

          2/10/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Text Codes Part 2 -> Sharing the consumer facing mobile app (Millions Mapped App)

          2/11/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training -> Property Search Alerts -> Activate upon Import or add individually and all the options.

          2/17/22 | kvCORE | eXp | Advanced Weekly Training | Editing Smart Campaigns & how they actually work

          2/18/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training -> All About Smart Numbers and Millions Mapped (again!)

          2/24/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training – Sphere Playbook & Hashtags

          2/25/22 |kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Website Custom Navigation and Custom Pages

          3/3/22 | kvCORE | eXp | Advanced Weekly Training -> QR(Quick Response) Codes!

          3/4/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training -> CORE Present Basics (i.e. CMA)

          3/10/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training |How to Add Search Alerts to Contacts Automatically (With Hashtags)

          3/11/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | An Introduction to SEO Keywords and your kvCORE Website

          3/17/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | An overview of getting started and understanding kvCORE

          3/18/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Shared Smart Campaigns (US Holiday Text Campaign) & how to create a custom Smart Campaign and send monthly updates using the “Areas We Cover” pages

          3/24/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training -> Craigslist Autoposter + Default Agent Text Code

          3/25/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training – Agent Default Text Code, Craigslist Autoposter and Custom Text Codes

          3/31/22 kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training->The ‘Closed’ Smart (Drip) Campaign is discussed in detail, as are best practices and recommendations.

          4/1/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training-> Squeeze Pages vs. Landing Pages..What’s the deal?

          4/7/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training-> Blogs! Learn about ways to generate interest and conversations.

          4/8/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training- What to do with Sold Listings? How to display on your kvCORE Website

          4/14/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training -> You can now edit Behavioral Automation! Learn all about it

          4/15/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training – Facebook Posting Best Practices, squeeze pages and a sense of urgency!

          4/21/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Hashtags – Organize and Label your contacts

          4/22/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | What to do when you close a client in kvCORE -> Smart Campaigns, lead status and property address

          4/28/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Landing Pages Best Practices

          4/29/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Seller Report | Listing Valuation and CORE Present

          5/5/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Landing Pages Part 2

          5/6/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Lead CPR! 

          5/12/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Behavior Alerts & Automation Best Practices

          5/13/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Hashtags and Filtering & Setting up Property Search alerts

          5/19/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Learn about Active Lead Status and Smart Campaigns

          5/20/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A Training | How do leads route in kvCORE? Do I need my own Smart Number?

          5/26/22 |kvCORE | eXp | Advanced Weekly Training -> Smart Campaign Update-> New features and Smarter than ever!

          5/27/22 | kvCORE | eXp | Weekly Q/A | Schedule Mass Emails for an upcoming Holiday!

          6/2/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Class -> Fueling your kvCORE Pipeline (i.e. Lead Generation)

          6/3/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A | Millions Mapped App(for the consumer)How to share…Also, how to create your own text/email template. a bit on QR codes

          6/9/22 | kvCORE |eXp Advanced Class | A review of kvCORE’s Automation. | i.e. when/what does kvCORE communicate with my clients? What happens automatically?

          6/10/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A | Smart Campaign From Scratch and a review of what kvCORE automatically sends to your leads/contacts

          6/16/22 | kvCORE / eXp Advanced Class -> Smart CRM – Best Practices

          6/17/22 | kvCORE | eXp Weekly Q/A | What to do when a lead unsubscribes. How to create your holiday emails and schedule them for the future!

          6/23/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Daily Best Practices | Listing Playbook | Free Lead Gen! (Squeeze & Landing Pages) | A discussion of the Office Smart Number

          6/24/22 = N/A Had technical difficulties.  

          6/30/22 | kvCORE | exp Advanced Class | Understanding Marketing through kvCORE with Smart Campaigns and Lead Capture tools.

          7/1/22 | kvCORE | eXp basic Q&A | Knowing the basics and navigation of kvCORE(no recording captured)

          7/7/22 | kvCORE | eXp Advanced weekly training | Website usage and customization along with building traffic to website

          7/8/22 | kvCORE eXp Weekly Q/A | Getting Started and how to add a custom category to your website navigation | Add a YouTube Video to your website background

          7/14/22 | Text Code Best Practices with kvCORE

          7/15/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A – Getting started and exclusive listings. Also, how to create custom categories/pages on your kvCORE Website.

          7/21/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training->Manual Listings for Coming Soon, Exclusive or Sold Properties!!!

          7/22/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A -> New Website ‘Sell’ Page –> Best Practices and Seller Squeeze Page

          7/28/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training | What Happens when a Smart (Drip) Campaigns ends? What are your options?

          7/29/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A Training-> Customize/Edit your Website Navigation Menu and create new categories!

          8/4/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training Class -> CORE Present!

          8/5/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A | A discussion about the kvCORE Office Smart Number and a quick hit to build a Seller focused text code

          8/11/22 | KvCORE/eXp Advanced Smart Campaign usage and building, Build from beginning or from default and overview of how Smart Campaigns interact with leads

          8/12/22 | KvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A | Basic Communication with Filters, Hashtags and Statuses, an overall explanation of mass scheduled emails

          8/18/22 | eXp Advanced Weekly Training -> Sphere Playbook | Contact Statuses, Types and Hashtags.

          8/19/22 | kvCORE/ eXp Weekly Q/A -> Part 2 Sphere Playbooks.

          8/25/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training-> Adding/importing and engaging your contacts

          8/26/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A -> Market Reports – who has them and who doesn’t and what then?

          9/1/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training -> Smart Campaigns -> How they work , how to assign and how to edit.

          9/2/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A Training-> Adding Lenders to your account and how to focus on those leads that are most likely to transact.

          9/8/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training-> Search Alerts! How to send 1 to many or many to 1. How to auto assign search alerts.

          9/9/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A Training – Mortgage calculator options & The infamous Office Smart Number

          9/15/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training- Market Reports!

          9/29/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training -> Lead Engagement Strategies

          9/30/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A | -> Smart CRM Filters, Schedule Mass Email with video | Making/logging calls with Mobile App. & the Smart Number

          10/6/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training -> Text Codes!

           10/7/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Website Title and Tagline and text codes! 

          10/13/22 | kvCORE/ eXp Advanced Weekly Training ->Schedule Holiday Email to all contacts (e.g. Halloween)

          10/14/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A Training | Getting Started and training options. ‘Done for you services’ (Have someone else setup kvCORE for you) and changing the Website ‘Tab’ Title on your website

          10/20/22 |kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Halloween website background images (& Bats!) YouTube Video for your Landing Pages!

          10/21/22 | kvCORE/eXp Weekly Q/A | Lead Generation Options (Paid) & Integrating 3rd Party Lead Sources.

          10/27/22 | kvCORE/eXp Advanced Weekly Training | Custom Pages and Categories for your Website

          10/28/22 | kvCORE/ eXp Weekly Q/A | Website Custom Categories Part 2 | Adding youtube video to website custom page | Market Reports & Smart CRM Filtering

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