The Model of Real Estate of the Future-Today

The Model of Real Estate of the Future-Today

with Bettina Sastoque & Rob Flick

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Someone told me today that they needed to clone themselves (the have a team.)
I told them that Rob is the Master Cloner… in real estate speak, it’s called being “duplicatable & scalable” I am rewatching this youtube video again, and again, and again…
As a Realtor, I tend to want to give them ALL of the information up front… which isn’t always very attractive when it comes to attracting.
But providing an overview with stories is more attractive, and gets people to want to have another call with another eXp agent… which is the gold! Remember to always BAMFAM!

Book A Meeting, From A Meeting…
I am working to make this a habit with all prospects, buyers, sellers & agents! Hope this Helps

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