Where People Give Freely
from Their Overflowing Buckets to Fill Others Up!
Watch our episodes:
EP40: Nicole Fantoni
Just starting out in real estate? We’re diving into the basics, exploring the challenges new agents face, and sharing tips for building a successful career.
EP39: Bambi Makowski
Get 10% OFF here: www.healingthroughstories.com
Are you tired of feeling weighed down by resentment? This video explores the toxic effects of holding onto grudges and offers practical steps to let go, find forgiveness, and experience true freedom.
EP38: Rick Davis
Explore the power of your mind with Rick Davis. He dives into conscious vs. unconscious behaviors, revealing how to turn experiences—good and bad—into profound personal growth.
EP36: Donna Marstom
Here’s How I Saved My Son from Addiction… A Parent’s Journey Through Pain, Strength, and Hope
Website: www.sharingwithoutshame.com
EP35: MaryBeth Tipton
Discover how to rekindle the JOY that’s already within you!
Website: www.marybethtipton.com
EP34: Cynthia Ellis
The FAST TRACK to Small Business Success Without the Guesswork!
Website: www.cellismgmt.com
EP33: DeDee Cai
Fitness BEFORE Business: The Surprising Link Between Physical and Financial Health!
Website: www.fittoprofit.com
EP32: Dr. Floyd Phillips
Library on a Blizzard Wednesday and $50? Here’s how they turned me into a DOCTOR
EP31: Sherry Richert Belul
EP30: Greg Schweitzer
MIND BLOWING Tips to STOP Making These Bad Habits! The Science-Backed Way!
EP29: Edwina Adams
EP26: Jannette Anderson
The Maturepreneur Maverick – Starting Business in Later Life
Instagram: www.instagram.com/purposeandprofitsisterhood
EP24: Cathy Harper & Josh Tucker
Cathy Harper & Josh Tucker – Top Appraisers
Cathy’s Email: cathy@clharperassociates.com
Josh’s Email: lakesideappraisalstx@gmail.com
EP22: Eric Deschamps
Eric Deschamps – Business Coach, 36 years Public Speaking Expert, Living Richly Podcast Co-Host
Website: www.rhapsodystrategies.com
EP21: Rebeccah Silence
Rebeccah Silence – Self Healing & Relationship Expert
Website: www.rebeccahsilence.com
EP20: Blanca Luna Ainsworth
Here’s why Blanca traded her apron for a mic…
EP19: Chastin Miles
This SECRET will definitely change your marketing game! This is a MUST-WATCH!
Website: www.chastinjmiles.com
EP18: Nicole Rouseau
How a boat in a wallet built an empire!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nicole_rouseau
EP17: Connor Steinbrook
Here’s how Connor literally made millions of dollars just by moving his lips!
Website: www.connorsteinbrook.com
EP16: Craig Gregory
You have to stop doing these things to be successful!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/coachcraig212
EP14: Molly Purvines
Do this simple finger trick to melt stress away!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_aha_coach
EP14: Bryony Jackson
Struggling to make your business stand out in a crowded market? Bryony Jackson is here to help!
EP13: Tony King
From a US Marine to the VP Growth at eXp Realty, Tony’s journey is truly inspiring! Watch it now.
Website: www.exprealtygrowth.com
EP12: Corine Wofford
How to Negotiate Without Throwing Punches?! Corine Wofford, negotiation expert and best-selling author, joins our podcast to share her secrets.
Website: www.negotiatewithsuccess.com
EP11: Marguerite Crespillo
With 30 years of real estate magic and over 4000 families helped Marguerite spills the secrets to building wealth and living your best life!
Website: www.margueritecrespillo.com
EP10: Dante Rusciolelli
Ever wondered how to keep your audience laughing for a full hour without losing their attention? We just had the award-winning TV comedy genius, Dante Rusciolelli!
YouTube: Dante the Comic
EP9: Rob Flick
Tips for new and experienced agents? Let’s dive in with the Real Estate Legend, Rob Flick!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rob.flick.14/
EP8: Brittany Stewart
Award-winning realtor, Brittany Stewart, revealed the Secret to 19 years of real estate!
Website: www.brittanybstewart.com
EP7: Ross Loofbourrow
Did you know that you could have ADHD without knowing? The ADHD coach exposed the truth!
Website: www.rossloofbourrow.com
EP6: Dr. Jody Stanislaw
Here are the ONLY 3 things to remember to love yourself more!
Website: www.drjodynd.com
EP5: Jaime Duggan
Did you know that walking is NOT exercise? Fitness coach revealed!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jaime_duggan
EP4: Shannon Avery Briggs
Why did Shannon Avery consider cancer as the happiest moment in her life?
Website: www.luminous-connections.com
EP3: Jennifer Takagi
Got 12 minutes? Learn how Jennifer maximizes your 12 minutes to build a successful life!
Website: www.jennifertakagi.com
EP2: Theron Smith
Worried about your home’s warranty? Here’s a guide for you!
Website: www.armadillo.one
EP1: Wayne Salmans
What to do when life knocks you down? Real estate superstar, Wayne Salmans, revealed how!
Website: www.theheronation.com
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