5 Things You Need to Know about kVcore (& Using the kvCore Set Up Template)

How to Set Up Your kVcore Website

5 Things You Need to Know about kVcore (& Using the kvCore Set Up Template)
The Magical Series/kvCore Training/Video 1:

Got kvCore? In this video, I share five things you need to know before you get started. I also introduce my kvCore Set Up Template 2.0 to help you set your kvCore website up for success.

Link to Slides Referenced in Video – http://bit.ly/33BG1xR

Link to Set Up Template Referenced in Video – http://bit.ly/kvctemplate2

Link to short video on How to Make a Copy of a Google Drive document – https://youtu.be/CPSmV43Wm04

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***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.