Leadership Call Content Link

Leadership Growth Call Content

Just Do It:
  1. Link for the weekly calls, Mondays 7PM Central, https://zoom.us/j/4152411442
  2. Call Recordings – You can access the latest recorded call by logging onto
    https://exprealty.workplace.com/ in the Just Do It Movement group.
    a. https://exprealty.workplace.com/groups/180260319357582/
  3. If you are a builder, and you are serious about taking it to the next level, join us in
    the GroupMe chat group, “Exp Builders Just Do It”
    a. Download and install the App. Join link:
  4. Adam Bailey’s Phone Number: (316) 409-3916
  5. Get on Adam Bailey’s Calendar for a call: www.adamlivechat.com
  6. Best Link to Use for Attraction: www.themodelexplained.com
  7. Check out the “All In Checklist”, are you All In?
  8. Are you attending Brent Gove’s Monday Leadership meetings in eXp World?
         a. Brent Gove Leadership Series – Live Event each Monday. eXp World /Virtual Office – 11:30 AM PST. Using GoTo menu, select University, then Auditorium. It’s in the eXp University Auditorium. (11:30 AM PST, 12:30 PM MST, 1:30 PM CST, 2:30 PM EST)
  9. Read or get the Audible Book, Building an Empire by Brian Carruthers:
  10. Will you be attending the next amazing Mastermind event in Vegas, August 20 – 22nd?
    Here’s the link: https://web.cvent.com/event/62234175-a6db-4bea-b530-c0894d26194b/regProcessStep1?mc_cid=84bd7ffe12&mc_eid=1adcb6b886
Watch, Read, Study, Plan – Check out One Big Fire by Jay Kinder:

Check out Gene Fredrick’s video about the “Napkin Presentation” in the Marsee Wilhems Rev Share Group, in eXp Workplace.
          a. https://exprealty.workplace.com/groups/MarseeWilhems/
          b. Scroll down to May 31 at 2:32 AM posted by Jeff Wilhems

Be sure you identify your builders and Generals under you. Get this content to them.
Get them on the calls, in the Workplace Group, into the GroupMe Group and let’s JUST DO IT!

Grab a copy: