‘Referrals for a Living,’ with Gayle Zientek

Tech & Marketing Tips for Realtors

'Referrals for a Living,' with Gayle Zientek

Gayle Zientek was named Realtor of theYear by GKAR, her local association, in 2017. She does 40-50 deals a year — with a 100% referral business. In this video, as a guest host for Real Estate 101 in eXp World — and I asked Gayle to join me to share content from her Michigan-approved Con Ed class “Referrals for a Living: 3 Simple Steps to a Rhythm of Prosperity.” See related links below.

Link to Gayle’s Send Out Cards website – https://www.sendoutcards.com/u/24853

Link I shared at the end of the class – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j…

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***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.