How To Ask For a Referral on Facebook [REAL ESTATE AGENTS]

Realtor Marketing

How To Ask For a Referral on Facebook [REAL ESTATE AGENTS]
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In real estate, you need to be able to effectively ask for referrals. Most successful real estate agents have ninety percent of their business coming from repeat and referral business.

In this real estate agent training video, you will learn how to ask for a referral on Facebook.

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Question: How do you ask for referrals in real estate? Let me know in the comments below

Post + Podcast + Script + More Info

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Rev Real Estate School is here to teach new real estate agents how to become successful in their career and reach 50 deals per year with ease. The real estate agent tips and tricks will benefit beginner agents and growing REALTORs® with marketing ideas, database marketing, social media, scripts, dialogues, habits, mindset, networking, skills, and negotiation.

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