Free Leads vs Paid Leads with kvCore

Free Leads vs Paid Leads with kvCore

kvCore for Dum Dums Free Leads vs Paid Leads with kvCore The Magical Series/kvCore Training/How to Build a Squeeze Page & What to Do With It/Video 3: Wondering if you should try Making it Rain program? Not sure if you should pay for leads? Join us for this short discussion about generating online leads for free or buying leads. Sylvia also refer to her kvCore Set Up Template 2.0 to help you set your kvCore website up for success. Grab a copy of the slides here. Back to System Resources Continue watching... [pt_view id="43a28bc7pz"]***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.
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Custom Pages, the Homekeepr Blog Widget & Custom Navigation in kvCore

Custom Pages, the Homekeepr Blog Widget & Custom Navigation in kvCore

kvCore for Dum Dums Custom Pages, the Homekeepr Blog Widget & Custom Navigation in kvCore Magical Series/kvCore Training/Video 9: Learn how to create a custom page in kvCore, as well as how to instruct your website on how and where to display your custom pages. Specifically, you'll learn how to add the Homekeepr blog widget to your kvCore website as a custom page. Sylvia also refer to her kvCore Set Up Template 2.0 to help you set your kvCore website up for success. You may also get a copy of the Slides here.  Next Video Continue watching... [pt_view id="43a28bc7pz"]***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.
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kvCore Support Chat & Support Portal

kvCore Support Chat & Support Portal

kvCore for Dum Dums How to Get Technical Support at eXp Realty (and kvCore) Need tech support at eXp Realty? In this video, Sylvia talks about how to get live support from eXp Realty tech specialists at and in eXp World, as well as how to get support from kvCore tech support staff. Next Video Continue watching... [pt_view id="43a28bc7pz"]***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.
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How to Activate Default Campaigns in kvCore

How to Activate Default Campaigns in kvCore

kvCore for Dum Dums How to Activate Default Campaigns in kvCore The Magical Series/kvCore Training/Video 10: Make sure your new leads are hearing from you! Learn how simple it is to add and activate the default buyer & seller campaigns to your kvCore campaign library. Sylvia also refer to her kvCore Set Up Template 2.0 to help you set your kvCore website up for success. You may also grab a copy of the slide presented here.  Next Video Continue watching... [pt_view id="43a28bc7pz"]***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.
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How to Create a Custom Page in kVCore, adding the Homekeepr Widget​

How to Create a Custom Page in kVCore, adding the Homekeepr Widget​

kvCore for Dum Dums How to Create a Custom Page in kVCore, adding the Homekeepr Widget This quick video explains what the Homekeepr app is and how you can feed your branded-to-you blog posts to your kvCore website. Homekeepr & kvCore are just a few of the free lead generating and technology marketing tools we get at eXp Realty.  Next Video Continue watching... [pt_view id="43a28bc7pz"] ***All credits and thanks to very own, Sylvia Dana. Feel free to subscribe to her YouTube Channel to get the most recent updates of her contents.
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