3-Way Call Agenda

3-Way Call Agenda

Prospecting Agents
3-Way Call Agenda Share your background and your story about why you joinedMention the success you’ve already hadMention the many success stories across our entire group ( be relatable-what did it solve for people in their situation)Ask what they like most about what they have heard / seen so farLet them know what the next step is “I’m going to have <sponsor> send over the applicationIf not ready now set them up with the next engagement. (Event or Lunch and Learn)Edify the team member so that you empower them to have some confidence Creating Urgency If you can’t create urgency then people will not take action.FOMO -Fear of missing outDangle the carrot -new country opening, launching in their area, relatively unknown in their area, be the first whale in the…
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8 Step Invitation Script

8 Step Invitation Script

Prospecting Agents
8 Step Invitation Script Be In a HurryGive a sincere complimentMake the InvitationIf I, Would YouCommitmentConfirm Appt.Triple commitGet off the phoneExample:I don’t have much time Mike, but I’ve always respected you and how you do business. Let me ask you a question? If I could show you a way to add a new revenue stream to your real estate business would you be open to it? If I text you a link to a short video explaining the opportunity, would you take a look at it?If I could get one of the top guys in the company on the phone would you be willing to jump on and listen to his story? If I send you a video about the company, would you poke holes in it and tell me…
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One Big Fire

One Big Fire

Prospecting Agents
ONE BIG FIRE – Harness the power of eXponential growth to become financially free THE SYSTEM Check out the book: Building an Empire by Brian Carruthers 1.  Get FIRED up! (Be Relentless!)       a. Commit to working on your Growth Mindset Daily       b. Surround yourself with positive people who support your vision       c. Set goals and track what you do daily       d. You are selling eXp AND our entire Revenue Share Group!       e. There isn’t a problem a real estate agent has that someone in this group can’t solve 2. Make your list       a. Make your list of EVERY real estate agent in your sphere of influence and agents you think are ambitious…
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